Tips to Avoid the Holiday Money Traps

Holidays are great, but they do have a downside. As you are taken away from your usual territory you can find yourself a bit out of your depth when it comes to knowing where the best deals are. This can lead to expensive holiday traps, but there are ways to avoid these.

Take a look at these travel tips from

  1. Avoid the charges applied by banks and ATMs for cash withdrawals because these will mount up. The best way to do so is to carry cash with you on holiday or to use a prepaid Visa card for withdrawals.
  2. Organised tours are a regular tourist trap that will cost you money. You will be taken to bars and restaurants that the tour guide gets commission from as well as the place you want to see. Travelling on public transport by yourself is far cheaper and often provides a better experience.
  3. Check the cost of the Internet when you are booking a hotel. Often they will charge you $20 a day or more, so if you need the Internet it is prudent to check this.
  4. Beware of late checkout fees or you could face a high cost for an extra hour in bed.
  5. Make sure you are not lying on a sunbed that you have to pay for unless you are willing to do so. Usually the beachside beds are for paying customers only.

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